Thursday, October 30, 2008

Coupon Clipping Contraption

Hey Everyone!

I have gleaned another great idea from a fellow coupon queen and thought I would pass it along to you.

I don't know about you, but for me finding the right coupon in the middle of the grocery store was quite a frustration! I mean, I know I am "wonder woman" (insert laughter here) and all, but juggling screaming kids and trying to find just the right product...and then make sure that the size matches...and then shuffling through an overstuffed accordion style coupon holder is a little much.

So, here is a great solution to help us keep our sanity and save a buck or two...or $100 (wishful thinking)...

This notebook is a zippered 3 ring binder made by "Case It". They have a large variety of these at Staples but I found this one at Target.

Here you can see that it is pretty thick. This one has two sets of 1 1/2 inch rings inside. Some have one large set of 3" rings.

Inside are two pockets. I use these to hold my store ads for the week.
Again, the features vary in these binders, but you can find one that best fits your needs.

Next is a zippered pocket. I keep my "extra bucks" and other register rewards receipts in here.
If you can't find one with a zipper pouch, a zippered pencil pouch with three holes will do the same thing.

Next there is a divider that holds receipts I need to keep handy for rebates and some pen holders.

This is the other side of that divider. I love the way it Velcros down to the front cover.
In the top pocket I keep my monthly rebate /coupon book from Walgreen's and then in the Velcro pocket...

I have a small pair of scissors and my calculator. These are so handy to have in close reach when I am in the store.

For the second ringed part I bought three packs of baseball card holders (at Staples for about $2.75 per pack). These are the perfect size for store savings cards and gift cards...

And of course coupons!

If the coupons are two long or wide I just simply fold them over a little, but for the majority of coupons the slots are the perfect size. If I do fold them, I try and leave the product and expiration date showing through the front.

I simply put like items together
(i.e.-frozen foods, toiletries, make-up/cosmetics, baking stuff, etc.)
But you could also put them in the order that you walk your store isles
(i.e.-produce (b/c it is at the front of the store), then juices, canned goods, etc.)
Whatever works for you!

When I run out of space in the front I use the back of the same slot with another coupon.

This binder also has another divider thingy in the back that Velcros to the back cover. On its front it holds a small legal pad. This is perfect for my grocery list or to help me have a place to jot down also has more pen holders and a ID pocket for my case I lose the book.

The other side of the divider has more pockets. I couldn't resist this great zebra print pocketed folder. I use it to hold my meal plan for the month.

This book has been great for me. Now I have all I need at my fingertips when I am at the store. It even sets perfectly on the front of the shopping cart.

I hope that this helps you with your clipping!

1 comment:

Stacey Brookins said...

This seems really cool and I would love to find out more about the coupon thing when you have time to talk.
Love ya,