Tuesday, November 24, 2009

A New Look for Christmas

I can hardly believe it is that time again. Time to hang lights and decorate my house for Christmas. I admit I got a little head start and started before Thanksgiving, but I figured since it never is actually cold here that I could decorate early : )

Most of my decorations are the same as last year but I thought I would show you the few new things I have done this year.

Last year after Christmas I was able to get decorations from a few Starbucks. I did not know this before but some retail stores just chuck their decorations after Christmas and anyone can request to pick them up instead. When I saw the theme at Starbucks was birds...I knew I had to ask. By the time I asked, most of it had already been promised to someone else but I did get a few things and they fit so perfectly in our home.

Here is a pedestal with a sparkly ball of yarn on top with a Starbuck's bird.

Another bird tops my little potted tree on my counter top in my kitchen.

This is one of the birds up-close. I have 12 of them in two different sizes that are hanging on my handmade ornament tree in my family room. They have Starbuck's coffee labels on them. I think they are really fun and unique.

I also got this display with ball ornaments on it. It is magnetic so it would stick to their display boards. I found the perfect place for it on the ledge of the niche in my family room. There is even a steel reinforcement there in the wall so it sticks.

I cut the balls off of another display to use as a centerpiece on my kitchen table. I love the different textures of the balls. Several shades and sizes of balls wrapped in green yarn and matte and shiny red and silver balls make it interesting to look at and matches my color scheme.

I added some red berry garland to the light fixture over my table.

I picked up a bigger tree and tree skirt last year on clearance because I knew I would need more room for my handmade ornaments this year. Here it is all decked out and waiting for all the cool ornaments from this year's party...woo, hoo...I can't wait.

This is the matchbox calendar I posted last year. But this year I painted my clipboard that sits on my counter top with magnetic paint and my boxes have found a new home. I love it here. It is one of my favorite decorations and now I can see it every time I walk in my kitchen. A cute mistletoe ball that I made hangs in the doorway between my dining room and kitchen.

My bird display box thingys found a new home on the center of my coffee table.

The nativity scene and bell wreath take center stage when you first walk in my house.

Last, but definitely not least. My favorite new addition for the holidays. A neighbor gave me a beat up mantle a few months ago. After alot of elbow grease and black paint it is the absolute perfect addition to my living room. I picked up fireplace tools and a iron grate on Craig's List for $10 and a friend gave me some firewood. After shalacing (sp?...you know what I mean) the wood, I put it all in place. And it cost me a grand total of $10. I could hardly wait to hang our stockings. I just want to sit in this room all day now.

This mantle will be fun to decorate all year long...but no doubt the stockings are my favorite!

Well, I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving and enjoy decorating your own homes. Thanks for taking the time to visit mine.
Would love for you to drop by for coffee sometime and see it for yourself.
Until then...


mandy said...

Girl, I wish I could come by for coffee!!! Your house is gorgeous!!! I love all of your ideas and decorations but the mantle is a show stopper-way to go! I hope the Byrd family has a Happy Thanksgiving!!

Woodard Gang said...

LOVE the Christmas decor...and the starbucks decorations just look perfect in your home! I know Mandy can't stop by, but I'll come over and have a cup for her :)